Supporting the Events Industry
On Tuesday, September 1, from 9pm-midnight, theaters and event venues across North America will be asked to light ghost lights on their stages, light their buildings in red, and use hashtag #WeMakeEvents to symbolize the struggle of the industry, which has been shuttered since March 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.Alt Ethos is supporting our colleagues, clients, and friends in the event industry by lighting up the mansion at 2345 7th St, Denver. Thanks to for collaborating on this lighting installation one of their many event rental spaces. Check out the mansion as you drive down I-25 near the Denver Aquarium, or stop by to snap some photos - and tag #WeMakeEvents to raise awareness.
By the Numbers
The live entertainment industry is a cornerstone of the U.S. economy. It employs over 12 million people and provides upwards of $1 trillion in economic impact - more than the transportation, agriculture, and tourism industries. However, due to the global pandemic, the live events industry is in grave danger. A devastating number of arts professionals are currently out of work and will be for some time, with the pandemic having shut down nearly all entertainment functions in all sectors.Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has been completely shattered reporting that:• 95% of entertainment events have been canceled.• 62% of entertainment workers are fully unemployed.• 94% of entertainment workers have lost income.• The average arts worker reports $23,500 in losses thus far.• 66% of entertainment workers are unable to access spaces, staff, resources, or supplies needed to do their jobs.More statistics and an impact survey at AmericansForTheArts.orgLocal Colorado non-profit Conscious Alliance has joined #WeMakeEvents to distribute meals to out-of-work industry workers in the area on 9/1 - DONATE HERE to provide a meal and support the cause.